Electron. J. Math. Phys. Sci., 2002, 1, 1, 1-2





Saber Elaydi, Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Editor

Department of Mathematics, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas 78212, E-mail: selaydi@trinity.edu


Abraham F. Jalbout, Physical and Chemical Sciences Editor


Department of Chemistry, The University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148

Department of Physics, Dillard University, 2 601 Gentilly Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70112

E-mail: Ajalbout@ejmaps.org

Bassel E. Sawaya, Biological Sciences Editor

Center for Neuro-Virology and Cancer Biology, College of Sciences and Technology, Temple University, E-mail: Sawaya@temple.edu 

Received: 22 July 2002/ Accepted: 22 July 2002/ Published: 22 August 2002


This note is a celebration of the birth of the Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. This neonate will serve as a voice and a forum for those areas at the frontier of physical sciences and their mathematical underpinnings. For most of the last century scientific publication has followed a reductionism approach where highly specialized new journals have been appearing at a quite astonishing rate. Starting JMAPS is an attempt to reverse this trend and to return to a more integrative approach. The existence of JMAPS reflects the commitment of the editorial board to the integration of physical and mathematical sciences.  We invite all researchers in physical and mathematical sciences to join us in that effort. The journal will publish original research papers, expository and review papers, and papers that embody novel concepts in applications and techniques. This includes but not limited to Bayesian statistics, control theory, quantum theory, computational chemistry, molecular dynamic simulation, statistical mechanics, applied mathematics, engineering physics, molecular physics, and mathematical physics.

Why such a broad spectrum of covered research topics at JMAPS? To answer this question consider as an example, the impact that quantum and statistical mechanics are making in many modern experimental research labs. They are deeply impacting the way many do experimental research. They allow for a very rapid comparison of many potential drug agents, without wasting the time, energy, and resources needed for preliminary test runs. Although, the era of computational drug design, mathematical modeling and bio-quantum mechanics is just beginning to make its way up the scientific ladder, there is so much potential for its use and applications that it is definitely an area where many scientists need to begin to make some serious investments to master these methods. Modern resources make it possible for the original formulations of Schrödinger, Hartree, Fermi and others to be put to the test of more practical open-ended problems. Just as the early physicists and mathematicians were put to the test of developing models to understand fundamental questions of nature, today’s scientists are given the prospect of using old tools in an extremely novel context. The future will only tell how far this dream will be fulfilled.

The advantage of our policies here at JMAPS is that we not only strive for the highest quality of research articles, notes, and communications to be published but we also would like to take advantage of the speed of the internet, and the inherent ability to quickly distribute important and timely research findings. 

Why can’t many branches of research be housed under one roof?

What is biology, chemistry or mathematics for that matter? The answer is simple. Life

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