Monthly Archives: August 2007

Women’s Art Festival: PitchWise, 6.-11.9.2007, Sarajevo

Second PitchWise will be held from Thursday to Tuesday 6-11 September in Sarajevo at the Museum of History of Bosnia and Herzegovina numerous dynamic event and exhibitions, creative workshops, lectures, performances, concerts, street actions and plenty surprises.
This year, the program at PitchWise is international as opposed to last year’s focus on the region of former Yugoslavia and Southeastern Europe. The content includes the Guerrilla Girls, Katja von Garnier and Iron Jawed Angels, Sanja Ivekovic, Diyala, Komikaze and much much more: workshops, lectures, exhibitions, performances, conceerts, … Continue reading

CfP: Multikulturalismus und Feminismus, 27.-29.7.08, Seoul

XIII. Symposium der Internationalen Assoziation von Philosophinnen
Deadline: 15.11.2007

Das dreizehnte Symposium der Internationalen Assoziation von Philosophinnen (IAPh) findet unmittelbar vor dem XXII. Weltphilosophiekongress in Seoul, Korea statt. Es konzentriert sich auf eine Analyse der komplexen Wechselbeziehungen zwischen feministischen und multikulturellen Theorien und Praktiken. Untersucht werden die Gemeinsamkeiten und Differenzen zwischen Frauen, die häufig völlig verschiedenen kulturellen, sozialen und politischen Zusammenhängen entstammen und in einer Welt leben, in der globale Vernetzung immer stärker an Bedeutung gewinnt. Continue reading

CfP: Families, Constructions of Foreignness and Migration, 15.-16.5.08, Leuven

Deadline 1.10.07
Historians increasingly compare migration across specific periods as well as societies. So far, the comparisons have mainly dealt with either ethnic groups or societies of settlement. This conference aims to deepen the comparative endeavour by adding a comparison from a new angle. Instead of comparing ethnic groups or nation-states as a whole, which runs the risk of overemphasizing ethnic and national differences, it invites researchers to compare time-specific policies and experiences of migration and family. In other words, at the heart of the comparison will be conditions of migration – with or without relatives – and their impact on experiences of migration and settlement. Continue reading

CfP: „May 68“, 14.9.07, London

Event: British Sociological Association Theory Study Group Conference (in collaboration with Birkbeck Institute for Social Research) 3-4th July, 2008, Birkbeck, University of London
This conference is timed to coincide with the fortieth anniversary of May 1968. It seeks to provide a forum for reflecting back on the events of that time as well as thinking about their implications for current and future endeavours – theoretical and political. Alongside plenary events with keynote speakers and roundtables, there will also be a number of parallel paper sessions. We would welcome ideas for roundtables and papers on the following streams: Continue reading

Conference: Gender Equality in Higher Education, 28.-31.8.07, Berlin

The Berlin Conference 2007 is the fifth in a series of European conferences on this subject. The conferences have been organized by the European Network of Gender Equality in Higher Education, an informal network of academics and higher education practitioners from universities in Europe and elsewhere. The first Conference was organised by the University of Helsinki in 1998 and resulted in the creation of the Network. A number of selected papers were published as a book titled ‘Hard Work in Academy: Research and Interventions on Gender Inequalities in Higher Education’. Since that first conference, the European Network of Gender Equality in Higher Education has developed through an email distribution list (eq-uni[at] managed by the University of Helsinki) which currently has nearly 400 subscribers from over 30 countries. Continue reading

CfP: Contemporary British Masculinities, 15.9.07, New York

39th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
April 10-13, 2008, Buffalo, New York
„Identity is the primal form of ideology“ (Adorno, Negative Dialectics 148)
In an era of post-feminist approaches to both narrating and interpreting gender, questions of social performativity and overdetermination remain as relevant to our understandings of individual and cultural identity as ever.
This session welcomes abstracts or completed essays on any topic related to the fictional depiction of contemporary British masculinity. Issues include, but are certainly not limited to: Continue reading

Arbeitstagung: Totenkleidung. Zur Konstruktion von Tod und Geschlecht, 24.-26.4.08, Oldenburg

Totenkleidung. Zur Konstruktion von Tod und Geschlecht in der materiellen und visuellen Kultur. Arbeitstagung vom 24. bis 26. April 2008 in Oldenburg
Veranstalter: Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Universität zu Köln, Katholisch Theologische Privatuniversität Linz
Seit den 1980er Jahren formulieren sich in der Kulturwissenschaft deutliche Interessen am Phänomen des Todes: Sterblichkeit ist Gegenstand zahlreicher Disziplinen. Für Autoren wie Thomas Macho (2006) weist eben diese neue Sichtbarkeit des Todes und der Toten in Künsten, Medien, Biotechnologie, Bestattungsritualen und öffentlichen Debatten auf neue Symbole und Rituale hin und erzwingt die Revision von Todesverdrängungsthesen, wie sie in der Moderne formuliert und von der Nachmoderne kritisiert worden sind.
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Konferens: Hur förmedlar vi genus i historieundervisning vid universitet och högskolor? 28.-29.11.07, Uppsala

Föreningen Sveriges kvinno- och genushistoriker hälsar dig hjärtligt välkommen till årets konferens, 28–29 november 2007 i Uppsala! Temat för årets SKOGH-konferens är: Hur förmedlar vi genus i historieundervisningen vid universitet och högskolor? Anmäl dig här: senast 1 oktober. Continue reading