Main fields of interest

  • ... applied abstract ( = conceptual!) harmonic analysis
  • Gabor expansions and time-frequency localization
  • irregular sampling or scattered data approximation, atomic decompositions
  • non-orthogonal expansions, Banach frames, Riesz projection bases
  • signals of variable band-width, time-variant filtering, Gabor multipliers
  • Banach spaces of distributions on locally compact (Abelian) groups
  • generalized Fourier analysis, convolution, pseudo-differential operators
  • wavelet theory and function spaces, in particular modulation spaces
  • MATLAB as a mathematical research and teaching tool

Private matters and interests

  • Katharina Feichtinger- Ziniel we live in Mistelbach
  • Children

  • Music: classical, ethnic = World Music, Jazz; Folk-Music (e.g. Irish), French Chansons, Percussive Music
  • Sports: biking, skiing, skating, roller-skating, wind-surfing,
  • Instruments: Piano ("private" improvisation), owning a YAHAMA CLP-970, African drums (but also drums from Turkey, India, etc.)
  • International contacts, traveling
  • Science politics (in particular interdisciplinary), contacts with engineers, medical researchers, musicians, etc.
  • Convincing colleagues from applied sciences that pure mathematics can be both understandable and helpful
  • Convincing colleagues from pure mathematics that applications can be mathematically beautiful and intellectually challenging
  • bring people together, host visitors, enable students to work in an interdisciplinary way
  • establish NuHAG as an international "long term, global player" within the European research landscape

Numerical Harmonic
Analysis Group
Faculty of Mathematics
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
A-1090 Wien
Fax: +43(1)4277/50690