In the following you will find a list of research projects carried out at NUHAG.

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X Optimized Gabor Expansions 1994 1995
sponsored by the "Jubliäumsfond der Nationalbank"
Project leader: H.G.Feichtinger
with Dipl.Ing. Werner Kozek from the Technical Univ. of Vienna (Dept. of Communication Theory)
The aim of this project is to find Gabor-type windows for signal expansions, adapted to a given class of signals, such as speech signals, which then give maximally peaked short-time Fourier transform (allowing better recognition or TF-filtering tasks).

ANB ... Austrian National Bank
EC ...European Commission
FWF ... Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
UniVie ... University of Vienna
WWTF ... Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds