In the following you will find a list of research projects carried out at NUHAG.

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# Project name Project start end
[57] Analysis of non-uniform subdivision schemes FWF AnONSS 2015.10.01 2018.09.30
[56] Semantic Annotation by Learned Structured and Adaptive Signal Representations WWTF SALSA 2014.04.15 2018.10.14
[55] Signal- und Bildverarbeitungs im Kontext Höherer Schulen. grundlegende Vorstellungen und Chancen aus der Sicht der Mathematikdidaktik   MATLAB an Schulen 2014.04.01 2016.03.31
[54] Problems in Time-Frequency Analysis FWF PriTiFA 2014.01.15 2017.01.14
[53] Localized Frame Expansions in Time-Scale Analysis EC LOCETISA 2014-10-01 2016-09-30
[52] Local analysis of redundant frame expansions FWF LARFEX 2013.10.01 2015.09.30
[51] Irreguläre Spline-Type Räume und Fast Periodische Funktionen FWF ISTRFRF 2013.09.01 2017.08.31
[50] Computational harmonic analysis of high-dimensional biomedical data WWTF CHARMED 2013.09.01 2021.08.31
[49] Generalized Sampling and Infinite-Dimensional Compressed Sensing EC GeSIDiCS 2012.04.01 2012.09.30
[48] Hamiltonian Deformations of Gabor Frames FWF HamDefGab 2011.10.16 2015.09.30
[47] Noncoherent Wireless Communications over Doubly Selective Channels WWTF NOWIRE 2011.01.01 2013.12.31
[46] New mathematical models for BWIM and their computational realization FFG ModSim 2010.11.01 2012.09.30
[45] Frames and Harmonic Analysis FWF Frames 2010.10.01 2014.09.30
[44] Uncertainty principles versus localization properties, function systems for efficient coding schemes EC UNLocX 2010.09.01 2013.08.31
[43] Special voice transforms and applications EC SPEVOTAP 2010.09 2012.08
[42] Mathematical Signal Analysis and Modeling for Manipulation of Sound Objects WWTF AUDIO MINER 2010.01 2012.12
[41] Time-Frequency generating systems using model space methods FWF Ascensi 2009.09.01 2011.08.31
[40] Software Module für die Reduktion von ESO-Daten EC ESO 2009.04.01 2013.06.30
[39] Local Aspects of Time-Frequency-Analysis. Variation on a Theme. FWF LATFA 2009.03 2012.02
[38] Modern Methods of Operator Algebras for Time-Frequency Analysis EC MOTIF 2009.01.01 2011.12.31
[37] Continuous and discrete Gabor frames FWF CdGF 2009.01 2011.12
[36] Signal and Information Processing in Science and Engineering FWF NFN SISE 2008.06.01 2015.05.31
[35] Spline-like function spaces with applications to scattered data approximation EC SFSASDA 2008.04.01 2010.03.31
[34] Symplektische Geometrie für TFA und QM FWF SYMPGEO 2008.03.01 2011.08.30
[33] Frame Multipliers: Theory and Applications in Acoustics WWTF MULAC 2008.03.01 2011.08.31
[32] Sparse Signals and Operators: Theory, Methods, and Applications WWTF SPORTS 2008.03.01 2013.02.28
IK: Time-frequency analysis and microlocal analysis
UniVie IK-tfama 2006.10 2009.09
[30] Mathematische Methoden der Signalanalyse FFF Moeller 2006.09 2008.08
[29] Translational-Research-Programm FWF Amann 2006.03.01 2010.02.28
EC EUCETIFA 2005.10.01 2009.09.30
Summary: Modern Harmonic Analysis Methods for Advanced Wireless Communications
WWTF MOHAWI 2005.06.01 2009.05.31
[26] Special Semester on Modern Methods in Time-Frequency Analysis (ESI, Spring 2005) ESI 2005 2005
[25] Analysis and Geometry of Wavelet Packets EC AGWPS 2004.08 2006.05
[24] Summability Methods and Gabor Analysis FWF 2004 2006
[23] Flexible time-frequency decompositions and adaptive treatment of operator equations by frames EC 2004 2006
[22] Gabor Analysis meets non-commutative geometry ÖAW 2003.11 2005.05
[21] ECG-Analysis During Ventricular Fibrillation: Noninvasive Parameters For Optimal Timing Of Defibrillation ANB 9442 2003.01 2004.08
[20] Gabor Analysis over Abelian Groups   2003 2005
[18] A Gabor Approach to Functions of Variable of Bandwidth FWF P15605-MAT 2002 2004
[17] Network for Automated Geometry Extraction from Seismic EC NetAGES 2000.11 2004.03
[16] Operators for Time-Frequency Analysis FWF P14485-MAT 2000 2003
[15] Application of Gabor Analysis to the Musical Transcription Problem ANB 7501 1999 2000
[14] Time-Frequency operations on musical signals based on Gabor analysis   1996 1997
[13] Matched Time-Frequency Signal Representations FWF P10531-ÖPH 1995 1996
[12] Scattered data approximation in geophysical applications FWF P10473-GEO 1995 1997
[11] Optimized Gabor Expansions   1994 1995
[10] Numerical Harmonic Analysis and Image Processing FWF S7001-MAT 1994 1999
[9] Neue Mathematische Methoden zur Klassifizierung und Linderung von Gehörschäden ANB 1993 1994
[8] Mathematical methods for image analysis and pattern recognition FWF PHY08784 1991 1993
[7] Experimental Signal Analysis ANB 1990 1992
[6] Universitätspreis der Wiener Wirtschaft   1990 1992
[5] Mathematical Know How in Austria ANB 1988 1989
[4] Atomic decomposition of distributions ÖFG 1986 1987
[3] Frequenz-Skalen Modifikation von Sprachsignalen - Praktische Anwendungen von Gabordarstellungen. ANB
[2] Computational Methods for 1D and 2D Gabor Analysis ANB
[1] Time-Frequency generating systems using model space methods FWF TFGSMSM

ANB ... Austrian National Bank
EC ...European Commission
FWF ... Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
UniVie ... University of Vienna
WWTF ... Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds