Newsletter Archive     

NEWSLETTER No. 54, December 2004 (Download: PDF, 6,9 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial - Luc Lemaire3
EMS Executive Committee4
2nd Joint Mathematical Weekend5
EMS Executive Committee Meeting7
Applied Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics9
Symmetries - Alain Connes11
Mathematics is alive... - Luc Lemaire19
Polish Mathematical Society - Janusz Kowalski24
Problem Corner - Paul Jainta33
Personal Column37
Forthcoming Conferences38
Recent Books41
NEWSLETTER No. 53, September 2004 (Download: PDF, 4,7 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial - Manuel Castellet3
EMS meetings at Uppsala4
EMS Summer Schools6
Report on the 4th ECM - Ulf Persson7
Visions of Young Mathematicians - Jan Larsson and Mikael Johansson12
Reflections on ICME-10 - Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen14
25 years proof of the Kneser conjecture - Mark de Longueville16
100th Birthday of Henri Cartan20
Interview with Nuno Crato22
Interview with Michael Atiyah and Isadore Singer24
Abel Prize Celebration 200431
Greek Mathematical Society34
French-Polish cooperation in Approximation Theory36
ERCOM: CRM Barcelona37
Forthcoming Conferences40
Recent Books42
NEWSLETTER No. 52, June 2004 (Download: PDF, 4,1 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial by Ari Laptev3
EMS Summer Schools6
EC Meeting in Helsinki6
On powers of 2 by Pawel Strzelecki7
A forgotten mathematician by Robert Fokkink9
Quantum Cryptography by Nuno Crato15
Household names in Swedish mathematics by Kjell-Ove Widman17
"Sauvons la recherche"21
Portugal in the 1st years of the IMU by E. Hernandez-Manfredini, A. Ramos23
Interview with Ari Laptev25
ERCOM: EURANDOM (Eindhoven)28
Abel Prize, ICME-10 and ICMI awards30
Forthcoming Conferences36
Recent Books39
NEWSLETTER No. 51, March 2004 (Download: PDF, 1,5 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial by John Kingman3
Zentralblatt by Silke Goebel and Bernd Wegner4
Madhu Sudan’s work on error-correcting codes by Daniel Augot6
Herculean or Sisyphean tasks by Bernard R Hodgson11
John von Neumann 1903-1957 by Miklós Rédei17
A Letter to Christina of Denmark by Philip J Davis21
The Moscow Mathematical Society, Part 225
Problem Corner by Paul Jainta28
The Fourth European Congress of Mathematics32
Forthcoming Conferences34
Recent Books37
NEWSLETTER No. 50, December 2003 (Download: PDF, 2,4 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial by Martin Raussen3
EMS Executive Meeting4
Mathematical Articles for the general public5
Playing a trick on uncertainty by F. Thomas Bruss7
Integrability of Hamiltonian systems by Michèle Audin9
Kolmgorov and Contemporary Mathematics by Beno Eckmann13
Proof on Broadway, Preuve a Bruxelles by Luc Lemaire14
Interview with Solomon Marcus15
The Moscow Mathematical Society17
The Fourth European Congress of Mathematics20
Forthcoming Conferences22
Recent Books25
NEWSLETTER No. 49, September 2003 (Download: PDF, 2,2 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda 2
Editorial by Robin Wilson 3
EMS call for proposals 4
1089 and all that, by David Acheson 9
A. N. Kolmogorov 12
Kolmogorov and Contemporary Mathematics 14
Jean-Pierre Serre 16
Interview with Philippe Tondeur 21
Problem Corner 22
Forthcoming Conferences 26
Recent Books 29
NEWSLETTER No. 48, June 2003 (Download: PDF, 4,0 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial by David Salinger3
Introducing the Committee, part 25
Popularising mathematics: from eight to infinity7
Brought to book: the curious story of Guglielmo Libri12
Interview with D V Anosov, part 215
Latvian Mathematical Society21
Slovenian Mathematical Society: further comments25
Forthcoming Conferences26
Recent Books27
NEWSLETTER No. 47, March 2003 (Download: PDF, 4,4 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial by Sir John Kingman3
Executive Committee Meeting4
Introducing the Committee7
An Answer to the Growth of Mathematical Knowledge?9
Interview with Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen15
Interview with D V Anosov20
Israel Mathematical Union25
Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers in Slovenia26
Problem Corner28
Mathematical Biography31
Forthcoming Conferences34
Recent Books39
NEWSLETTER No. 46, December 2002 (Download: PDF, 3,4 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial by Rolf Jeltsch3
EMS News5
Four Colours Suffice, by Robin Wilson15
Mathematics & War, by Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbek and Jens Høyrup20
Interview with Rolf Jeltsch23
Personal Reflections on Analysis, by Lennart Carleson & Peter Jones25
European Women in Mathematics29
EMS Committee for Developing Countries30
Portuguese Mathematical Society32
Forthcoming Conferences33
Recent Books36
NEWSLETTER No. 45, September 2002 (Download: PDF, 2,5 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda 2
Editorial by Mina Teicher 3
The Floods in Prague 4
EMS Executive Committee Meeting5
Abel Bicentennial Conference7
Launch of the Abel Prize10
Anniversaries - Adrien-Marie Legendre13
Anniversaries - Whittaker and Watson 14
Fields Medals and the Nevanlinna Prize 16
Women and Men in Mathematics part 2 18
The Hellenic Mathematical Society24
Forthcoming Conferences 32
Recent Books 33
NEWSLETTER No. 44, June 2002 (Download: PDF, 2,9 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda 2
Editorial by Luc Lemaire 3
Berlingen 2 5
EMS Summer School in Eilat7
Women & men in mathematics10
Coping with publishers and copyright14
Anniversaries - Bento Caraça 17
Anniversaries - William Burnside18
Can you spare books? 21
Forthcoming Conferences 23
Zentralblatt MATH 28
Recent Books 29
NEWSLETTER No. 43, March 2002 (Download: PDF, 2,1 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Executive Committee Meeting . Brussels4
EMS News7
EMS-SIAM Conference8
Aniversary - Niels Henrik Abel12
Interview - Sir John Kingman14
Interview - Sergey P. Novikov16
Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists20
Mathematicians. Careers22
Forthcoming Conferences29
Recent Books36
NEWSLETTER No. 42, December 2001 (Download: PDF, 2,0 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial . Thomas Hintermann3
Executive Committee Meeting . Berlin4
EMS Council Elections8
New Members10
Anniversaries . Pierre de Fermat by Klaus Barner12
Interview with Sergey P. Novikov17
Obituary . Jacques-Louis Lions21
Ukrainian Mathematical Congress26
Forthcoming Conferences29
Recent Books34
NEWSLETTER No. 41, September 2001 (Download: PDF, 0,8 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial - Carles Casacuberta3
EMS Summer School at St Petersburg 20014
EAGER - ENI - EMS Summer School5
Meeting of the EMS Council6
EMS Lecturer 2002 - Gianni Dal Maso8
Interview with Marek Kordos9
Interview with Graham Higman12
The Methodology of Mathematics, part 214
Mathematical Societies: Norwegian17
Mathematical Societies: Estonian18
Problem Corner20
Mathematics Education on the Web23
Forthcoming Conferences24
Recent Books27
NEWSLETTER No. 40, June 2001 (Download: PDF, 0,6 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial - David Salinger3
SIAM-EMS Conference4
Executive Committee Meeting6
The Institute for Industrial Mathematics8
Workshop on Applied Mathematics in Europe9
GAMM Annual Scientific Conference 200111
The Methodology of Mathematics12
Interview with Björn Engquist15
Interview with Manuel Valdivia16
Mathematical Societies: France18
Mathematical Societies: Romania20
Personal Column23
Forthcoming Conferences25
Recent Books30
NEWSLETTER No. 39, March 2001 (Download: PDF, 1,0 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS Agenda2
Editorial - Bodil Branner3
EMS Summer School 20005
Statutes of the European Mathematical Foundation6
Raising Public Awareness of Mathematics7
Maths Quiz 20007
Interview with Bernhard Neumann9
Interview with Sir Roger Penrose, part 212
Problem Corner18
SIAM-EMS Conference21
Fondazione CIME Courses22
Forthcoming Conferences23
Recent Books27
NEWSLETTER No. 38, December 2000 (Download: PDF, 1,0 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS News: Agenda, Editorial, Edinburgh Summer School, London meeting3
Joint AMS-Scandinavia Meeting11
The World Mathematical Year in Europe12
The Pre-history of the EMS14
Interview with Sir Roger Penrose17
Interview with Vadim G. Vizing22
2000 Anniversaries: John Napier (1550-1617)24
Societies: L.Unione Matematica Italiana26
The Price Spiral of Mathematics Journals29
Digital Models and Computer Assisted Proofs30
Forthcoming Conferences31
Recent Books35
NEWSLETTER No. 37, September 2000 (Download: PDF, 1,2 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS News : Agenda, Editorial, 3ecm report, Summer Schools2
Mathematical Modelling in the Biosciences (Philip Maini)16
EMS Poster Competition19
Interview with Martin Grötschel20
Interview with Bernt Wegner24
A stamp for World Mathematical Year27
Societies: The London Mathematical Society28
Problem Corner30
Forthcoming Conferences32
Recent Books36
NEWSLETTER No. 36, June 2000 (Download: PDF, 0,8 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS News : Agenda, Editorial, 3ecm, Bedlewo Meeting, Limes Project2
Catalan Mathematical Society3
The Hilbert Problems10
Interview with Peter Deuflhard14
Interview with Jaroslav Kurzweil16
A Major Challenge for Mathematicians20
EMS Position Paper: Towards a European Research Area24
Forthcoming Conferences28
Recent Books34
Personal Column42
NEWSLETTER No. 35, March 2000 (Download: PDF, 1,0 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS News : Committee and Agenda2
Message from the EMS President3
Editorial by Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen4
Introducing the WMY2000 team5
Interview with Lars Gårding6
2000 Anniversaries : Sonya Kovalevskaya9
2000 Anniversaries : Eugenio Beltrami11
Societies Corner : Dutch Mathematical Society12
Societies Corner : Danish Mathematical Society14
Educational Section16
Oberwolfach Programme 200119
Problems Corner20
Forthcoming Conferences25
Recent Books32
NEWSLETTER No. 34, December 1999 (Download: PDF, 0,8 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS News : Committee and Agenda2
Editorial by EMS Secretary David Brannan3
Introducing the Editorial Team : Part 27
EMS Executive meeting in Zurich8
Felix Klein Prize10
3ecm Barcelona: Second Announcement12
EMS Poster Competition14
EMS Council Meeting in Barcelona: Second Announcement15
Interviews - Jan van Maanen16
Interviews - Olavi Nevanlinna18
Interviews - Ian Frigaard19
1999 Anniversaries : Laplace and Poincaré20
1999 Anniversaries : Neugebauer23
1999 Anniversaries : Zariski24
C.I.M.E. Summer Courses 200025
Societies Corner : Kharkov Mathematical Society26
Societies Corner : Luxembourg Mathematical Society26
EMS - WiR Summer School28
Education Section29
Forthcoming Conferences30
Recent Books36
Personal Column43
NEWSLETTER No. 33, September 1999 (Download: PDF, 0,9 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS News : Committee and Agenda2
Editorial by EMS Vice-President Andrzej Pelczar3
Fourth Diderot Mathematical Forum : Mathematics and Music4
Introducing the Editorial Team : Part 15
EMS Council Meeting in Barcelona: First Announcement6
Oxford Doctorate for Andrew Wiles7
Interview with Tim Gowers8
ICIAM99 in Edinburgh10
SIAM and EMS Joint Conference on Computational Science11
A Universal Mathematical Resources Locator?12
1999 Anniversaries : Caspar Wessel13
1999 Anniversaries : E. C. Titchmarsh16
Societies Corner : Swiss Mathematical Society18
Societies Corner : Edinburgh Mathematical Society20
Forthcoming Conferences22
Recent Books26
NEWSLETTER No. 32, June 1999 (Download: PDF, 0,7 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
EMS News2
Editorial by EMS Vice-President, Luc Lemaire3
Note from the Editor4
Introducing the Committee : part 25
EMS Executive Committee Meeting6
Ian Stewart: Making the Magical Maze7
Interview with Helmut Neunzert (Kaiserslautern)10
EMS Summer Schools : Call for proposals11
1999 anniversaries: Felix Klein, Sophus Lie and Wolfgang Krull12
Societies: Finnish Mathematical Society16
Societies: Polish Mathematical Society17
Problems Corner19
Forthcoming Conferences23
Book Review28
Recent Books29
NEWSLETTER No. 31, March 1999 (Download: PDF, 0,5 MB)
Masthead and Contents1
A message from the new Editor-in-Chief2
Editorial by the new EMS President, Rolf Jeltsch3
EMS News4
3rd European Congress of Mathematics: first announcement7
Caring for the mathematical past: a recent British experience10
Interview with Robert M. Mattheij, President of ECMI13
World Mathematical Year 2000: Poster Competition15
The impact on mathematics of political changes in Eastern Europe16
1999 anniversaries: Maria Agnesi and Hilbert.s .Geometrie.18
Societies: The Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians20
London Mathematical Society: De Morgan House21
Obituary of André Weil: Beyond the frontier of numbers22
Oberwolfach Programme 200023
Call for proposals for the Banach Center, Warsaw24
Forthcoming conferences25
Recent books31
NEWSLETTER No. 20, June 1996
Report on the Executive Committee Meeting, March 8-10 1996 (DVI, Postscript) 
New Editorial Team (DVI, Postscript) 
EMS Council Meeting (DVI, Postscript) 
EMS Summer Schools (DVI, Postscript) 
On the future of Mathematical publications (DVI, Postscript) 
Letters to the Editor (DVI, Postscript) 
Brief Reviews (DVI, Postscript) 
  • Fourth Week on Algebra and
    Algebraic Geometry (SAGA4) (DVI, Postscript)
  • Institut de Statistique,
    Universite Libre de Bruxelles (DVI, Postscript)
  • Progam of C.I.R.M. (Trento) for 1996 (DVI, Postscript)
  • First Announcement: 6th Workshop
    on Stochastic Analysis (Oslo-Silivri) (DVI, Postscript)
  • Europroj 96 (DVI, Postscript)
  • Call for Papers: Modern Mathematical Methods
    in Diffraction Theory and its Applications in Engineering (DVI, Postscript)
Imprint / Editors 
NEWSLETTER No. 19, March 1996
Report on the Executive Committee Meeting
October 20-21, 1995
European Women in Mathematics Update 
The European Mathematical Information Service 
European Commission Programme Training and Mobility of Researchers 
European Post-Doctoral Institute for the Mathematical Sciences 
The Capture of the Mathematical Literature from 1868 to 1942 
Book Reviews 
Imprint / Editors 
NEWSLETTER No. 18, December 1995
Election of Council Delegates 
2nd European Congress of Mathematics
Second Announcement
Registration Form 
Putting IMU on the WWW 
Mathematics Subject Classification 
European Science Foundation
European Research Conferences
European News: Country by Country 
Tackling the Mathematics Problem
A Report from the London Mathematical Society, The IMA and the RSS
Fast Access to Literature in Mathematical Education 
Book Reviews 
Not in the printed Newsletter:
Report on the Meeting of the Executive Committee
(Besançon, France, Oct. 20-21, 1995)
Imprint / Editors 
NEWSLETTER No. 17, September 1995
EMS Council Meeting 
EMS Executive Meeting 
Second European Congress, Budapest 
EMS Lectureship 
European Research Conferences 
Zentrablatt für Mathematik and Specialized Information 
Problem Corner* 
Book Reviews 
Job Ads 
Imprint / Editors 
* Some figures and tables are missing in these articles 

Last change: May 20, 2005 Comments to: