Martin Rothgangel, Professorship for General Subject Didactics
Centre for Teacher Education
Contact Martin Rothgangel
"In my research, I investigate the similarities and differences between the various subject didactics and which aspects characterise subject didactic research, both empirically and in terms of scientific theory. This not only promotes interdisciplinary dialogue between subject didactics and subject didactic research, but can also lead to a research-based improvement in subject teaching and learning. The social benefits are obvious: education is an investment in the future." (Martin Rothgangel)
Research areas:
* General subject didactics
* Formats of specialised didactic research
* Theory of science, specialised didactics and religious education
* Empirical teaching research
* Research on anti-Semitism
Curriculum Vitae:
1983-1990 Studied secondary school teaching (WS 1983/84) and Protestant theology
1990-1998 Research assistant at the Chair of Protestant Theology and Religious Education at the University of Regensburg
1993-1998 Part-time religious education teacher at the business school in Regensburg
1994 Doctorate in theology at the University of Munich
1996 Habilitation as Dr phil. habil. at the University of Regensburg
1996-1998 Substitute professor for religious education/didactics at the University of Education Erfurt
1998-2002 Professor of Religious Education/Evangelical Theology at Weingarten University of Education (June 2002: elected Rector)
2002-2010 Professor of Practical Theology/Religious Education at the University of Göttingen (2004-2006 Dean of Studies for Teacher Training, 2009-2010 Dean of Studies for the Faculty of Theology)
2002-2006 Chairman of the Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Religionspädagogik e.V. (GwR; formerly: AfR e.V.)
2003-2017 Chairman of the Catechism Committee of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany (VELKD)
2010-2024 Professor at the Institute for Religious Education at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna (2010-2014 Vice Dean, 2014-2018 Dean)
2012-2016 Chairman of the Society for Specialised Didactics e.V. (GFD)
2018-2023 Affiliated Professor at the University of Haifa
2022-2024 Chairman of the Austrian Society for Religious Education at Universities
since 2019 Chairman of the Association of Friends of Religious Education
since 2023 Chairman of the Academic Advisory Board of the Centre for Teacher Education (ZLB) at the University of Bamberg
since March 2023 Head of the Centre for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna
since October 2024 Professor of General Subject Didactics, University of Vienna