Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dorothee Bohle

picture of Dorothee Bohle

Professorship for Comparative Politics

Contact Dorothee Bohle

"It is important to me to achieve a broader understanding of the power imbalance between Western and Eastern Europe and to address the resulting political consequences." (Dorothee Bohle)

Research areas:

* Comparative Political Economy (varieties of capitalism, institutional political economy, welfare states, industrial relations, housing (finance) regimes); Central and Eastern European economy and politics;
* Resilient neoliberalism? Policy responses after the Great Recession in Europe’s periphery
* The political economy of the COVID-19 crisis in East Central Europe


Curriculum Vitae:

1984 -1992 University Studies of Political Science in Hamburg, Paris and Berlin
1994-1999 Junior Research Fellow at the Social Science Research Center, Berlin (WZB)
2001 PhD in Political Science, Free University of Berlin
2000-2006 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest
2006-2013 Associate Professor of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest
2013-2014 Visiting Professor (Vertretungsprofessur), Department of Social Sciences, University of Osnabrück
Professor of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest
2016-2021 Professor of Social and Political Change, Department of Social and Political Sciences, European University Institute, Florence
2019-2021 Dean of post-graduate studies – Director of the post-doctoral Max Weber Programme, European University Institute, Florence
since October 2021 Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Vienna