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Semester Titel Fachgebiet Lehrveranstaltung Beschreibung «zurück zu allen Skripten
11 SSMACHA11-NotesNumerical Harmonic AnalysisMACHA 1 week course on Computational Gabor AnalysisCourse Notes work Numerical Harmonic Analysis Workshop Marburg 2011MACHA11 was a workshop organized jointly with T.Raasch and S.Dahlke
at the University of Marburg in August of 2011.

From the NuHAG side Hans G. Feichtinger was supported by Darian Onchis,
Christoph Wiesmeyr and Nicki Holighaus.

Details coming hopefully later.

A modified version was then used for the CIMPA Conference in Argentina
in August 2013.

»download MACHA11A1.pdf