
23rd European Conference
on Iteration Theory

June 13th-17th, 2022

Reichenau an der Rax, AUSTRIA

ECIT 2022 Logo

Natural attractions

This region lies at the eastern boundary of the Alps. It looks different from more central regions in the Alps (as for example Tyrol), you mainly see smaller hills with forests. Nonetheless there is a wild and rocky valley of the river Schwarza between Rax and Schneeberg called Höllental (it means “valley of hell”) ending in Hirschwang (4 km to the northwest of Reichenau) and beginning 12 km to the northwest of Reichenau (there is a street in Höllental). Moreover Rax and Schneeberg raise far above the forest region (although their lower parts are covered by forests) and there are several steep walls (some of them in the forest region). Both mountains are built of limestone (also the smaller hills are built of limestone) and they are plateau mountains.

There are several possibilities for hiking on the hills or valleys around Reichenau. Usually they are without problems. The best ones would be Bahnwanderweg and Wasserleitungsweg. If you go for a hike on the mountains (Rax and Schneeberg) you should use good shoes and appropiate equipment. Take at least a raincoat, a map and some warmer clothings with you (using a backpack is recommended). For longer hikes it is essential to have enough to drink with you (in limestone regions like this area you often do not find water on your hike), having some food is also a good idea.

For more challenging hikes you should wear a helmet because of the risk of rockfalls. Climbing on ferratas you should use a ferrata set, and for paths with climbing sections you should use appropiate equipment.

Some informations for hikes on Rax can be found here.

Chamois on Rax
Figure 3: A chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) on Rax.
Edelweiss on Rax
Figure 4: An edelweiss (Leontopodium nivale) on Rax.
Gentian on Rax
Figure 5: A gentian (Gentiana clusii) on Rax.
Figure 6: Hiking on Rax (Fuchsloch).
Figure 7: Hiking on Rax (Haidsteig).
Großes Höllental
Figure 8: Großes Höllental on Rax.