Monika Henzinger

Monika Henzinger

© FWF/Luiza Puiu

Techniques for protecting the privacy of data in dynamic data structures   These days many data collections change frequently and, thus, must be stored in dynamic data structures. There are already techniques for protecting the privacy of such data if the different entries in the data structure are completely independent of each other. This is, however, rarely the case in the real world. Instead different data points are often connected to each other. For example, if one person is affected by an event and a second person is close to the first one, it is often possible to deduce that the second person is also affected. This project will develop techniques to access information in dynamic data structures that consists of interlinked data points while preserving the privacy of each individual data point. The researchers will furthermore investigate space-saving and time-efficient versions of these techniques.   Note: Grant transferred to other institution in 2023