Katharina Rebay-Salisbury, Professorship for Prehistory of Man

picture of Katharina Rebay-Salisbury

Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies

Contact Katharina Rebay-Salisbury

"It is important to me to fully exploit the new possibilities of interdisciplinary bio-archaeology and to gain new insights into the social coexistence of people in prehistory. In socio-political discussions such as gender equality, family policy and migration, people often fall back on a picture of prehistoric or seemingly natural conditions that has long been outdated. It is important to counteract this with correct data and exciting research." (Katharina Rebay-Salisbury)


Research areas:

* Archaeology of the human body and social identities
* Gender archaeology, archaeology of motherhood, kinship analyses
* Interdisciplinary bioarchaeology (anthropology, DNA, proteomics, isotope analyses)
* Burial practices, especially cremation
* Europe in the Bronze and Iron Ages

Curriculum Vitae:

1995-2001 Study of Prehistory and Early History, University of Vienna
2004-2005 Research assistant (prae-doc) at the Prehistoric Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2005 Doctorate (Dr.in phil.), University of Vienna
2005-2008 Post-doc at the University of Cambridge, UK, in the project 'Changing Beliefs of the Human Body: a Comparative Social Perspective'
2009-2014 Post-doc at the University of Leicester, UK, in the project 'Tracing Networks: Craft Traditions in the Ancient Mediterranean and Beyond'
since 2015 Post-doc at the Austrian Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences with own projects
2015 European Research Council Starting Grant (The value of mothers to society: responses to motherhood and child rearing practices in prehistoric Europe, ERC Starting Grant 676828)
since 2016 Member of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2017 Habilitation on 'Bodies, identities and social relations in Bronze and Iron Age Central Europe' (Venia legendi in Prehistory and Historical Archaeology), University of Vienna
since 2017 Head of the research group 'Prehistoric Identities' at the Austrian Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
since February 2023 Professor of Human Prehistory, Institute of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna