Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nele Kampa

picture of Nele Kampa

Professorship for School Pedagogy with special consideration of secondary education

Contact Nele Kampa


Curriculum Vitae:

2002-2006 Study of Educational Science (Diploma), Free University of Berlin
2007-2008 Research assistant at the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF), Berlin
2008-2012 Research assistant (prae doc) at the Institute for Quality Development in Education (IQB), Humboldt University Berlin
2012 Doctorate (Dr.in phil.), Humboldt University Berlin
2013-2020 Research assistant (post doc) at the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN), Kiel
2014-2018 Equal Opportunities Officer at the IPN Kiel
2016 Research stay at the Center for Educational Measurement at the University of Oslo, Norway
Since 2016 Member of the selection committee for the Heinrich Böll Foundation's student and doctoral scholarships
2018 Research stay at the College of Education at the University of Iowa, USA
2020 Habilitation (Venia legendi in educational sciences), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
2020-2022 HS-Professor for Empirical Educational Research with a focus on quantitative methods at the University of Teacher Education Tyrol, Innsbruck
2021 Visiting professor at the Johannes Kepler University Linz
2022 Research stay at the College of Education at the University of Iowa, USA
since August 2022 Professor of School Pedagogy with a special focus on secondary education at the Center for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna and the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Science


Research areas:

* Teaching and learning research in the context of social heterogeneity
* Conditional factors for learning at school
* Mathematical and scientific competencies
* Validity of the assessment of competencies in school performance studies

"In my research, I investigate how teachers and teaching methods deal with the heterogeneity of pupils and how teachers can make meaningful use of the different prerequisites of their pupils for their learning goals. School is a place that should enable all children and young people to develop their potential. This applies to individual development as well as to participation in society and a successful professional life. My research aims to come closer to this goal and prepare teachers for their sometimes challenging everyday working lives." (Nele Kampa)