Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Rhoia Neidenbach

picture of Rhoia Neidenbach

Professorship for Health Services Research in Sports Science at the Center for Sports Science and University Sports

Contact Rhoia Neidenbach


Curriculum Vitae:

born 1985 in Vienna
AHS high school diploma at the Theresian Academy Vienna, Austria
2008-2011 Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (B.Sc.), Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria
2011-2013 Master's degree in "Exercise and Health - Diagnostics, Prevention and Intervention in the Lifespan", Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences (M.Sc.), Technical University of Munich, Germany
2013-2018 Research assistant at the German Heart Center Munich, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences (M.Sc.), Technical University of Munich with a focus on Performance diagnostics, spiroergometry, heart rhythm analysis and sports counseling of children, adolescents and adults with congenital heart defects and healthy children, adolescents and young athletes
2014-2017 Doctorate (Dr. phil.) with the study project: "Respiratory training in children and adolescents with univentricular hearts after palliative TCPC surgery", Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, Technical University of Munich, Germany
since 2016 Project Manager of Health Services Research at the "Clinic for Congenital Heart Defects and Pediatric Cardiology" at the German Heart Center Munich with the study project "Health Services Research for Adults with Congenital Heart Defects" (www.vemah.info
)Project manager of the MERLIN-AHF* study project since 2018 (*"Preserving medical success in the long term through integrated care for congenital heart defects"): Promotion of holistic, interdisciplinary medical care for adults with congenital heart defects, establishment of psychocardiology and nutritional medical examinations at the Clinic for Congenital Heart Defects and Pediatric Cardiology at the German Heart Center Munich, Germany.
since 2018 Habilitation candidate in sports science at the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Technical University of Munich, with the MERLIN-AHF* project
since October 2020 Professor of Health Services Research in Sports Science at the Institute of Sports Science at the University of Vienna


Research areas: 

* Care research for patients with congenital heart defects
* Quality of life of patients with congenital heart defects
* Performance physiology examinations to assess fitness for sport and to assess exercise capacity or to clarify symptoms
* Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention (focus on exercise, nutrition, mental health)
* Rehabilitation, pre- and post-operative care in sports science


"I work in the field of care research into congenital heart defects. The need for this arises from the fact that the group of adults with congenital heart defects (EMAH) in particular is currently the worst cared for patient group in modern cardiology. The number of people affected will continue to rise until at least the middle of this century. Since it has been proven that the burden of disease due to inadequate follow-up care and co-morbidities in EMAH is immense, it is urgently necessary to optimize the care of these patients for health policy and health economic reasons. This applies in particular to the areas of aftercare, prevention and rehabilitation. It is to be expected that if these approaches are adequately implemented, the prognosis of EMAH will be improved by reducing morbidity and mortality, which will also lead to a considerable reduction in healthcare costs." (Rhoia Neidenbach)