Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Kerstin Krellenberg

picture of Kerstin Krellenberg

Professorship for Urban Studies at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy

Contact Kerstin Krellenberg



Curriculum Vitae:

2002 Diploma in Environmental Science, University of Vechta
2002-2004 Researcher in the DAAD/PROALAR research project "Urban Ecological Perspectives of the Metropolis of Buenos Aires", Department of Geography, Humboldt University of Berlin
2007 Doctorate Dr. rer. nat. geography, Humboldt University of Berlin
2007 Postdoctoral researcher in the DFG Research Training Group 780/2 "Urban Ecological Perspectives - Shrinking Cities", Department of Geography, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2007-2017 Research Associate, Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ Leipzig
2012-2013 Sabancı University (Istanbul) - Mercator-IPC Fellow, Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) Istanbul
since 2016 Member of the Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA) of the Joint Program Initiative Urban Europe
since 2017 Visiting Scientist, Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Leipzig
2017-2019 Working group and co-design group leader at the German Committee for Sustainability Research (DKN) in Future Earth
2018-2020 Research Associate, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, IOER Dresden
2019 Habilitation in Geography, University of Leipzig
since October 2020 Professor of Urban Studies at the Institute of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna


Research areas:


* Integrative urban research, urban sustainability transformations, sustainable urban development, implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
* Global environmental impacts and digital change, urban risks and urban vulnerability, climate adaptation in cities
* Human-environment-technology interactions
* Participation processes, co-design and transdisciplinarity
* Regional focus on Latin America and Turkey

"Through exchange and knowledge transfer, my research aims to contribute to the development of sustainable urban societies. To this end, I work in an interdisciplinary manner and cooperate with city administrations, commercial enterprises and civil society in order to identify city-specific challenges and utilize the potential of cities." (Kerstin Krellenberg)