Typology of Negation in Ob-Ugric
and Samoyedic Languages (NOS)

† Kamassian

Kamassian is an already extinct Samoyedic language (its last speaker died in 1989) and was spoken between the Uralic Mountains and the Yenissey.

Kamassian dialects:

Annotated Texts

The following Kamassian text is readily annotated. We offer it both in html (for easy viewing in your browser) and in pdf format.

We use the Charis SIL font, which is downloadable for free. You will get the best results for the html files if you have that font installed on your computer, but other Unicode fonts (such as Gentium or Lucida Sans Unicode which can be found on most PCs and Macs) contain almost all characters needed and will do as well.

text1: html pdf

Please note that these materials are protected by copyright. If you want to use any part of them in your own work, quote this FWF-funded project "Negation in Ob-Ugric and Samoyedic Languages" as a source.

A list of abbreviations used can be found here.