Norbert Schuch

Norbert Schuch

© MPI für Quantenoptik

Quantum systems composed of many strongly interacting particles exhibit a multitude of unconventional phenomena which offer a broad spectrum of applications, e. g. in ultra-precise measurement devices or for the construction of future quantum computers. Over the next five years, together with his team at the Faculties of Physics and Mathematics, Norbert Schuch will comprehensively explore the rich structure of these systems. In particular, he will apply concepts from Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Computing to obtain an in-depth understanding of their complex quantum correlations, termed “entanglement”, and the way in which they interplay with symmetries. A key point will be the close combination of mathematical and physical approaches, as well as analytical and numerical methods. The results of this project will thereby lead to a deeper understanding of quantum many-body systems and their possible applications in quantum computing and quantum materials.   Note: Grant transferred to the University of Vienna (2020)