Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Kristina Dietz

picture of Kristina Dietz

Professorship for International Development at the Faculty of Social Sciences

Contact Kristina Dietz

Curriculum Vitae:

1993-2001 Studied open space and landscape planning (Dipl.-Ing.) and studied sociology, political science and history (Magister), Leibniz University Hannover
2002-2003 Freelancer at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, Brighton
2004-2007 Research assistant (pre-doc) at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science, Free University of Berlin 2007-2008 Research assistant at the Department of Social Sciences (pre-doc), University of Kassel
2009 Research assistant at the Latin America Institute, Free University of Berlin
2010 Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.), University of Kassel
2009-2013 Co-leader and research assistant (post-doc) of the BMBF-funded junior research group "Fair Fuels?—Between dead end and energy transition: A social-ecological multilevel analysis of transnational biofuel policy", Latin America Institute, Free University of Berlin
2014-2019 Head of the BMBF-funded junior research group "Global Change and Local Conflicts? Conflicts over land in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa in the context of interdependent transformation processes" (together with Prof. Bettina Engels), Free University of Berlin
2018 substitute professorship for international and intersocial relations, University of Kassel
2020-2022 Substitute Professorship, for International and Intersocial Relations, University of Kassel
since February 2022 Professorship for International Development at the Institute for International Development, University of Vienna

Research areas:

* Political science development research
* Global political economy and environmental change
* International environmental, climate, energy and raw materials policy
* Democratic theory and politics
* Social movement research and contentious politics
* Socio-ecological crisis, inequalities and transformation
* Political ecology
* Critical Agrarian Studies and Rural Studies
* Regional focus: Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa

"With my research, I would like to contribute to a broader understanding of the connections between politics, society and ecological crisis. I take a global perspective, taking into account power imbalances and inequalities between and within societies in the global North and South. By analyzing these interactions "It is important to me to address the cross-border consequences of political-economic decisions and to identify starting points for a social-ecological transformation." (Kristina Dietz)