Harald Eberhard, Professorship for Constitutional Law
Faculty of Law
Contact Harald Eberhard
"Both the small issues of everyday life and the major current and future issues facing society, such as the climate crisis and digitalization, have a strong connection to public law in general and constitutional law in particular. The role of the individual in state and society, fundamental rights and legal protection play a major role." (Harald Eberhard)
Research areas:
* Austrian constitutional law, in particular state organization law
* Austrian administrative law, in particular general administrative law, forms of action and legal protection
* Interface of constitutional law, administrative law and European Union law
* European constitutional law
* International and comparative public law
Curriculum Vitae:
1997 to 2001 Diploma in Law, University of Vienna
2001 to 2002 Doctoral studies in law, University of Vienna
2002 to 2008 University assistant at the Institute for Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Vienna
2003 Research stay in the Netherlands
2007 Lecturer at the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj (Romania)
since 2007 Editor, since 2012 Editor-in-Chief of the "Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law" ("ICL Journal", De Gruyter, together with Christoph Bezemek and Claudia Fuchs)
2008 to 2011 research assistant at the Constitutional Court and (from 2010) member of the Presidium
2010 Habilitation for the subjects "Constitutional Law" and "Administrative Law" at the University of Vienna
since 2010 Member of the Board of the "Österreichische Verwaltungswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft" and Editor-in-Chief of the "Österreichische Verwaltungswissenschaftliche Blätter"
since 2010 Member of the Board and the Executive Committee of the "Austrian Society for Legislative Studies"
Summer semester 2011 Visiting Professor at the Institute for Austrian and European Public Law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
October 2011 to September 2023 University Professor of Public Law with a special focus on European and Austrian public commercial law at the Institute for Austrian and European Public Law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Member of the academic advisory board of the "Zeitschrift für Verwaltung" (ZfV) since 2014
2014 to 2022 Program Director for the Bachelor's degree in Business Law, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
since 2014 Member of the steering committee of the discussion group on administration of the "Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer e.V."
since 2015 Member of the editorial committee of the "SIAK-Journal (Zeitschrift für Polizeiwissenschaft und polizeiliche Praxis)"
since 2015 Board member of the "Interdisciplinary Society for Comparative and Conflict of Laws (IGKK)"
2015 to 2021 Member of the Coordination Board of the China-EU School of Law (CESL), Changping
2017 to 2021 Member of the Joint Managerial Committee of the China-EU School of Law (CESL), Changping
since 2017 Member of the Academia Europaea (AE), London
since 2017 Associate Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL), Paris
2017 to 2022 Substitute member of the Senate of the Vienna University of Economics and Business
since 2018 Lecturer at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University of Warsaw (Poland)
2022 to 2023 Director of the Institute for Austrian and European Public Law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
since 2022 Vice President of the "Austrian Society of Administrative Sciences"
since October 1, 2023 Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Vienna