Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Robert Schneider-Reisinger
Professorship for Inclusive Education and Disability Research
Contat Schneider-Reisinger
Curriculum Vitae:
born 1980 in Grieskirchen (Upper Austria)
2003 Teaching degree for lower secondary schools and school integration (Federal Pedagogical Academy, Linz)
2003-2010 Secondary school and integration teacher at (new) secondary schools and the training school of the Upper Austrian College of Education; sanatorium teacher at the youth psychiatric clinic in Linz; also training teacher for special education students at the Upper Austrian College of Education and the Diocese of Linz
2008 Master's degree: Pedagogy, focus on lifelong education (University of Graz)
2010-2015 University assistant as academic advisor in the field of school pedagogy (University of Passau); first examiner for the first state examination in educational science in Bavaria
2011 Doctorate: Pedagogy, examination subject school pedagogy (University of Passau)
2012 Master's degree: Educational science, specializing in social pedagogy (University of Salzburg)
2015 University lecturer for inclusion education (Salzburg University of Education)
since 2017 University Professor of Educational Science and Inclusion with a focus on diversity and schools; Head of Department and Department of Inclusive Education, Representative for Inclusive Studies (Salzburg University of Education, currently on leave)
2019 Habilitation: Venia for Educational Science (University of Passau); since then private lecturer at the same university Co-initiator of "BLuE - Bildung, Lebenskompetenz und Empowerment" at the Salzburg University of Education; involved in self-advocacy and advocacy groups for people with disabilities; member of the founding monitoring committee in the federal state of Salzburg (pursuant to art 33 CRPD)
since September 2022 Professorship (limited to two years) for Inclusive Education and Disability Research at the Faculty of Philosophy and Education and the Center for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna
Research areas:
* General pedagogical foundation of inclusive pedagogy: pedagogical problem history as well as pedagogical-anthropological and ethical basic research on joint education and inclusive education
* Inclusive pedagogy as a critical-materialist educational science; materialist disability pedagogy
* Inclusion and decolonization: disability and pedagogy/philosophy of liberation, incl. pedagogy as a critique of pedagogical epistemology - e.g. testing and establishing decolonial methods in inclusive educational research and mad studies/survivor research
"I understand inclusive education as a critical, practical science with a social mission. Thinking about this, making it available in terms and developing concepts for educational practice and reflecting on them critically is the core of this educational work. It focuses on the overall context of 'human affairs' and assumes a tendency towards 'humanization'. However, I also understand inclusive pedagogy as a critical cultural science that is dedicated to the fixations of alienation, i.e. forms of dehumanization - above all 'disability'. The complexity and appeal of inclusion lies in the fact that it is situated in the wider context of democracy education and peace education - it ultimately represents an attempt to mark the 'unfulfilled' of "general education for all" and to redeem it in practice." (Robert Schneider-Reisinger)