Non-violent University - Prevention and Help

The safety of all employees and students is of great importance to the University of Vienna. Violence, threats or stalking are not tolerated at the University of Vienna. No one should have to fear becoming the target of violence. No one should feel left alone if something like this happens to them.

For this reason, a threat management system has been established that assesses threatening behavior and initiates effective measures to defuse the situation. All university members are required to recognize threatening behavior.

If you notice the following behaviors, enable rapid professional help by contacting Threat Management:

  • Any form of physical violence
  • Any form of threats of violence, whether written, verbal, by telephone or electronically
  • Stalking
  • Bringing or showing weapons
  • Expression of violent fantasies
  • Expression of suicidal intentions
  • Extremely conspicuous and dangerous behavior by a person (even if only an emotional assessment)


All university members can contact the threat management team at any time.

Every report will be treated promptly and, of course, confidentially.

You can reach the threat management team by email: bedrohungsmanagement(at)

Acute emergency

If you have an acute emergency or are in acute danger, please contact the security team immediately on +43 1 4277 777 and/or the police directly on 133.

Link to the security team:

What does the Threat Management team do

The threat management team offers support to those affected in stressful threat situations. Incoming reports are objectively and standardized checked for relevance, the risk is assessed and a decision is made about how to proceed. The focus is on preventing violence. Threat management always means creating a trustworthy approach. Discretion, fairness, no hasty judgments and the protection of the privacy of all those involved are top priorities. At the same time, threat management means resolutely advocating for the safety of all members of the university.

Further information on the intranet

Contact: bedrohungsmanagement(at)

Further contact points in conflict situations

All members of the university - employees and students alike - have the right to be treated in such a way that their dignity and personal integrity remain intact. In addition, there is legal protection against discrimination on the following grounds: gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, age, sexual orientation.


The University of Vienna offers comprehensive, confidential and free advice for those affected: