Archive: information regarding Coronavirus

March 2nd 2020

Any members of the University who experience typical symptoms of coronavirus, or who have recently been to an area with a high number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 (see travel warnings issued by the Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs), or who have been in close contact with people who are infected are asked to stay away from the University of Vienna. This also applies to visitors, guests, etc.

If you experience any symptoms, please call the telephone number 1450. If you have any questions but do not experience any symptoms, please contact the information hotline of the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety Ltd.: 0800 555 621 (7 days a week, 24-7). Information in english language is available on the website of the City of Vienna.

Employees who have childcare obligations can stay at home, if necessary (e.g. in the event of school closure, etc.). In this case, please contact your superior and discuss the next steps (dependant care leave, home office, etc.). Please inform us about all (suspected) cases of coronavirus by sending an e-mail to 


Concerning the attendance of students in courses and exams, the following applies:

As a general rule, students registered for courses with continuous assessment have to attend the first unit of the course to remain registered. Furthermore, students who do not attend the first unit of a course with continuous assessment without excuse, will be deregistered and the place will be given to people on the waiting list. Students who are unable to attend the first unit of a course with continuous assessment due to the reasons stated above have to inform the lecturer via e-mail. Due to the special circumstances, please be accommodating if students are absent for any of the reasons stated above (do not request a confirmation of illness; presentation of a plausible reason for non-attendance is enough). If you are unable to attend an exam, please contact the examiners.


Please also note the following recommendations by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety Ltd. (

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol hand sanitiser several times a day.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  • Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell.

 February 27th 2020

Due to the fact that cases of infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been confirmed in large parts of the world and, most recently, also in Austria, the University of Vienna recommends that employees and students take the following measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

  • Stay home from work if you experience symptoms such as high temperature, a cough, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties and, in particular, if you have recently been to affected areas and experience any of these symptoms.
  • Stay at home and contact the public health service of the city of Vienna (Gesundheitsdienst der Stadt Wien) by calling the telephone number 1450.
  • Please also note the current travel warnings issued by the Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs (in German).

For detailed information about COVID-19 (coronavirus), please visit the website of the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety Ltd. (AGES).

More information for employees: Intranet (in German)